The Liminal
in-between space
Our daily experiences construct the knowledge we have of our life and our place in it. Often, we are unaware of the perceptions that hugely impact the way we interact with the world around us. We give away our attention for "free" and we assume that we are choosing where we put our focus concerning our thoughts, sensations and emotions. What is this force controlling our behavior?
The work is an exploration, a research to co-create liminal spaces. They refer to the in-between empty spaces in our psyche. Just after a choice has been made and the unknown is about to reveal its'self. This space interests me as here we have the opportunity to learn about our essence as a human being, to explore our "raw" nature.
I research the crossroads of popular culture, especially on social media platforms. I research its manipulative techniques towards consumerism and I twist it with a new intention. I enjoy making intangible aspects of life tangible, such as the materialization of emotions. I use different forms of expression: audio / visual / object-based. Herein, I aim to inspire the observer to explore their unconscious inner-world. The observer of the work is in my regard the most crucial aspect of the work itsself.
In my work, I collaborate as a collective with various experts, who are researching cutting-edge topics of the mind-body connection with our human consciousness.
I have a vision for artists of this time to start creating for the heightening of our conscious perception of living.
Soon, I will publish a paper specifically written for social designers.